Library for Windows ver. 1.0e Copyright (C) 1994 Thule enterprise di Massimo Luciani Via Aprica, 3 - 34170 Gorizia - Italy Tel./Fax +39-481-33447 E-mail Internet: MC1258@MCLINK.IT E-mail Compu$erve: 100411,2553 The program "Library for Windows" is intended for the management of your own personal library and allows division of registered books in different categories created on the discretion of the user: by literary genre, by publisher or any other way decided by the user. This is a SHAREWARE program and it can be freely copied and distributed in its unregistered version, while it's explicitely forbidden to distribute the registered version. The rights on the program and the enclosed manual are kept by the author. The program can be used by a user for a month before being registered only for evaluating its usefulness; once this month has passed, if the program is found useful, it must be registered and the registration is valuable only for a user on a single computer. For further information about registration, you can choose "Registration" topic in the "?" menu of the program or consult the on-line guide always on "Registration" topic. Anyway, Thule enterprise disclaims any warranty, either express or implied, of fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software and the acompanying manuals. In any case, the produces will be responsible for any kind of damage arising out of the use of the program. It's compulsory to distribute all the original files: WINLIBR.EXE: the executable WINLIBR.HLP: on-line manual README.TXT: this file CMDIALOG.VBX, CSTEXT.VBX, CSVLIST.VBX: custom controls GRAPH.VBX, GSW.EXE, GSWDLL.DLL: programs necessary for drawing the diagrams QPRO200.DLL: dynamic link library. with no modification. Distribution of VBRUN300.DLL file is optional, anyway it's necessary to run the program, so if it's not present in distribution file, it must be taken somewhere else. Anyone can modify LIBRARY.TXT and LIBRARY.AUS files, the data files, so they aren't generally distributed, and it's legal to modify FONT.AUS file, which is necessary to store print font name. This file must not be included in distribution package it it's registered, as in it Licence Agreement values are stored. The program has an on-line manual, whose index is accessible pressing F1 in any window. It's possible to select topic help pressing F1 when the focus is on te corresponding menu topic. For correct working, it's necessary a working copy of Windows 3.1X and at least an 800x600 resolution. Anyway, even at a 640x480 resolution it's possible to see completely almost all windows but list window, which can be manually moved to fit the screen, and general situation windows, which allows only complete alphanumerical list view and cuts graphic view.